Tuesday, September 8, 2015

"The Ethics of Digital Manipulation" Response


             I knew that digital manipulation has been around for a VERY long time, but I had no idea that it was so prevalent in the art world. I also find it rather hard to determine rather an image has been manipulated or not. Especially in this day and age, when most images are. 

             I found the "ethical limits" part of this article to be rather interesting, actually. It prompts, "how far is too far", and "how much is too much". It's a question that I find myself asking every time I manipulate images. Even the images that I post on Instagram. 

             The picture of the Philadelphia skyline was refreshing. It did not seem manipulated, at first. And I still find it hard to establish what was manipulated in it, without such knowledge. 

             The section about the purpose and intentions of photograph manipulation started off pretty bias, but turned into a great explanation of why people manipulate their images. Especially, when an image is intended to be manipulated a lot. 

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